How To Choose an Affordable SIP Vendor?

How To Choose an Affordable SIP Vendor?

So you have decided to ditch your old, expensive telephony system and decided to opt for a cloud-based office system as a cost effective alternative. Since cutting business operation cost is your main driving force behind this decision, you should look for the most affordable SIP trunk provider that can give you the best bang for your buck.

However, there are a few things to consider while making this crucial decision.

Consider the network quality

Quality comes at a cost and when you opt for a low-cost SIP trunk option you are likely to end up with quality problems such as poor voice quality, jitter or loss of dial tone – all of which can be vastly damaging for your business since communication is a big part of every business today.

The dip in quality happens because most cheap SIP trunk providers use Tier-2 or Tier-3 networks to connect SIP calls to the public telephone network which are considerably lower quality than Tier-1 networks. Tier-1 networks are directly connected to the structure of the internet and therefore provide the best results.

So, whatever SIP trunk provider you opt for, try and figure out beforehand what tier of the network they are using.

Larger Presence

Don’t ignore the hidden costs

A SIP trunk provider might tempt you due to the lower monthly costs however they might be making up for it with additional hidden costs such technical support surcharge or call data records fee. All of these costs can end up costing you more than a SIP trunk solution with a higher monthly fee but no hidden costs would have.

Therefore, choose a vendor like (company name) that is open about all the costs involved with no surprises down the road.

Consider the customer service

Even though setting up and maintaining a SIP trunk is a fairly easy job, there might still be times when you need that external help from a SIP trunk professional. Cheap SIP trunk providers are not very likely to have the best customer service since they are working on low margins and usually don’t have enough revenues to maintain a round the clock customer service.

This can be a big problem for your business when a problem arises and all your communication is halted due to the lack of timely technical support from the SIP vendor.

That being said, there are still some affordable SIP vendors who don’t compromise on customer service. If you are looking for such an option, look no further than (company name)

Final word

When you are on the lookout for an economical SIP vendor for your cloud-based office phone system, some basic due diligence can save you a lot of headache down the road.